What I Eat in a Day II

What I Eat in a Day II

Welcome back to the second edition of this series, where we delve deeper into the essential topic of nourishing our hormones and metabolism through mindful food choices. In continuation of the previous post, we’ll explore the profound impact of starting your morning with a high-protein breakfast—a delightful secret to energizing your hormones and boosting your metabolism. If you have not ditched the sugary cereals and embraced the power of protein to set the tone for a vibrant day, then this post is for you!

As we delve into the world of hormone and metabolism support, we’ll also uncover the importance of the timing of our meals. Did you know that eating within an hour of waking up can make a remarkable difference in your hormonal balance? When we nourish our bodies early in the day, we send a powerful signal to our metabolism to kick into action. So, it’s time to rise and shine, ditch that snooze button, and make prioritizing a satisfying morning meal a habit. Your hormones will surely appreciate it!

Throughout this series, I’ll share my personal journey and the nourishing foods that support my quest for healthy hormones and a balanced lifestyle all day long. Along the way, we will ditch what the media portrays as “healthy” and unlearn the many faux pas of diet culture. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey together and unlock the secrets to achieving vibrancy and harmony through mindful eating. Get ready to embrace a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of nourishment and transformation from within!


Eating mainly single ingredient foods: Eating mainly single ingredient foods and steering clear of processed foods, seed oils, and unnecessary, toxic additives is crucial for our well-being. These icky ingredients mess with our hormones, slow down our metabolism, and even alter our taste buds over time. By ditching processed foods and opting for whole, natural foods like fresh fruits, veggies, good quality meats, and smart carbs, we give our bodies the nourishment they crave.

Getting enough potassium: Potassium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. I strive to get about 4,600 milligrams of potassium each day. Ensuring an adequate intake of potassium throughout the day is vital for several reasons. Firstly, potassium helps regulate fluid balance in the body, supporting healthy hydration levels. Secondly, it assists in proper nerve and muscle function, including the regular beating of the heart. Lastly, potassium aids in maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. I strive to meet my daily potassium needs, by including potassium-rich foods in my diet such as bananas, spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, and yogurt.

Eating every 3-4 hours: Eating every 3-4 hours is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism and optimizing your body’s energy levels. Regularly fueling your body with small, balanced meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism active and prevents it from slowing down. By providing a steady stream of nutrients, this eating pattern helps regulate blood sugar levels and prevents spikes and crashes, promoting stable energy levels. Additionally, regulating your blood sugar through regular balanced meals can prevent fluctuations in your mood.


Previous Editions: What I Eat in a Day Part 1

protein granola in a glass jar

Protein Granola

yiayias bean salad

Yiayia’s Marinated Bean Salad

pulled pork 4 ways

Instant Pot Pulled Pork


✨WHAT I EAT IN A DAY II✨ Things I’m working on to improve my overall health: Eating mainly single ingredient foods Getting enough potassium Eating every 3-4 hours What I eat in a day to support a healthy metabolism and hormones… 5:43am Breakfast: For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs with bacon and a side of watermelon and blackberries. Additionally, I had a glass of filtered water with lime and minerals to drink. 9:35am Post-Workout Snack: I had some plain Greek yogurt with agave, fruit, and my protein granola. 12:06pm Lunch: I always have my adrenal cocktail with minerals and I eat a raw, organic carrot every day to help me excrete any excess estrogen and endotoxins. Then, I ate an egg roll in a bowl that was leftover from dinner. 2:35pm Snack: For snack, I had a honey crisp apple with @costco peanut butter. 5:45pm Dinner: I ate a burger with raw cheddar cheese, pickles, red onion, and ketchup. On the side, I had a salad and corn. 7:20pm Bedtime Snack: I had strawberries with some chocolate. Filtered Water: Lastly, throughout the day I make sure to drink as much filtered water as possible. ✨For all of my recipes and more, go to thegreekgalley.com. #whatieatinaday #whatieattoday #whatieatforbreakfast #holistic #foodismedicine #healthyhormones #healthymetabolism #hormone #metabolism #pcos #thegreekgalley #recipe #foryoupage #fyp #viral #foodie #foodstagram #foodblogger #cooking #baking #yum #delicious #foodvideo #foodvideos #tasty #foodlover #homemade

♬ original sound – karma carr

What I eat in a day to support a healthy metabolism and hormones…

5:43am Breakfast:

For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs with bacon and a side of watermelon and blackberries. I make sure to par-cook bacon and keep it in the fridge for added protein to quick breakfasts. I also like to clean and cut my fruit, so it is ready to eat throughout the day. Additionally, I had a glass of filtered water with lime and minerals to drink.

9:35am Post-Workout Snack:

After my workout, I ate some plain Greek yogurt with fruit and agave. On this day, I had strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi, but obviously you can use whatever fruit you like. In addition, I would normally add some of my Protein Granola, but on this day I was all out.

12:06pm Lunch:

Before lunch, I always have my adrenal cocktail with minerals. I make my adrenal cocktail using orange juice, coconut water, and sea salt. I have recently started adding cream of tartar and collagen to my adrenal cocktail, as well. In addition, I eat a raw, organic carrot every day to help me excrete any excess estrogen and endotoxins.

Then, I ate an egg roll in a bowl. My egg roll in a bowl had ground turkey, sautéed vegetables, and jasmine rice. This was leftover from dinner the night before.

2:35pm Snack:

For a quick snack, I had an apple with peanut butter. When I buy peanut butter, I make sure that the ingredients are only peanuts or peanuts and salt.

5:45pm Dinner:

For dinner, I ate a burger with raw cheddar cheese, a salad, and corn. I added pickles, red onion, and ketchup to my burger. The salad contained romaine lettuce, red onion, cucumbers, tomatoes, olive oil, and red wine vinegar. I make sure to keep a variety of vegetables on hand to add to salads or meals.

7:20pm Bedtime Snack:

For a bedtime snack, I had some strawberries and chocolate. In this case, I used Enjoy Life Chocolate Chunks.

Filtered Water:

Lastly, throughout the day I make sure to drink as much filtered water as possible.